North Carolina Lawn Care: Core Aerating Your Lawn

Core PlugMost people are not aware of the benefits of aeration, yet it is one of the most important treatments for a healthy lawn. We have a serious compaction problem with our North Carolina soil. Aeration helps reduce this compaction and keeps your soil in the best shape possible. That’s why we include this important application step in our “All Inclusive Lawn Care Program.”

Thatch is another problem that is is especially heavy on Bermuda and Zoysia lawns. Annual Core Aeration treatments helps reduce the thatch layer buildup in all lawns, but on properties with Bermuda and Zoysia turfgrass, it is almost mandatory.

Aeration helps breakdown this thatch layer naturally. As you’re probably aware, a healthy soil is full of microbes. When a lawn is aerated, small plugs of soil (including the microbes) is pulled out and deposited on the surface. The microbes almost immediately start to eat and digest that dead organic layer of thatch.

Too much thatch in the lawn can be disastrous for the health of the lawn and may require an expensive de-thatching process. It is better to keep thatch under-control with regular core aeration treatments. If you have questions about whether your lawn has too much thatch, please give us a call and we’ll be happy to give you a free lawn analysis.

Excess thatch creates an environment favorable for pests and disease to thrive, plus an unfavorable growing environment for turf grass roots. Regular aeration will keep thatch levels at optimum levels without going through expensive dethatching.

Lawn Care Programs

Green Pro Lawn Care offers a comprehensive lawn care program designed to provide the right nutrients, in the right quantities at the right time. Great lawns have great soils underneath them.

Mosquito Control

Today, mosquitos in North Carolina can be more than just a nuisance, they also pose serious health risks that appear to be becoming even more dangerous. Keep your family safe and take a pro-active approach by controlling mosquitos in your backyard.


We have a serious compaction problem with our North Carolina soil. Aeration helps reduce this compaction and keeps your soil in the best shape possible. That's why we include this important application step in our "All Inclusive Lawn Care Program."

Lawn Care Estimate

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