Effective North Carolina Mosquito Control

Today, mosquitos in North Carolina can be more than just a nuisance, they also pose serious health risks that appear to be becoming even more dangerous. Keep your family safe and take a pro-active approach by controlling mosquitos in your backyard.

Our fogging program will not only eradicate mosquitos on your property, but will also control fleas and ticks that also may pose a problem for you and your family pets. Our fogging treatments are applied about every 3 weeks during heaving mosquito breeding periods. Areas treated include bushes, tree canopies up to 8 feet in height, lawns, flower beds and first story eves. Our control application is low in toxicity and safe for pets.

Reducing the mosquito threat around your yard

Because mosquitos breed in water, you can help reduce mosquitos by going around your property and correcting standing water problems, including doing such things as storing buckets, pails, and kiddie pools upside down when not in use.

Changing water in bird baths frequently also is recommended. This also would include changing your pet’s outdoor water dish.

Contact Us Today
If you have a mosquito problem around your property, or want to make sure that mosquitos don’t become a problem, please contact our office to sign up for our mosquito control program.

Lawn Care Programs

Green Pro Lawn Care offers a comprehensive lawn care program designed to provide the right nutrients, in the right quantities at the right time. Great lawns have great soils underneath them.

Mosquito Control

Today, mosquitos in North Carolina can be more than just a nuisance, they also pose serious health risks that appear to be becoming even more dangerous. Keep your family safe and take a pro-active approach by controlling mosquitos in your backyard.


We have a serious compaction problem with our North Carolina soil. Aeration helps reduce this compaction and keeps your soil in the best shape possible. That's why we include this important application step in our "All Inclusive Lawn Care Program."

Lawn Care Estimate

Use this form to request your free lawn estimate or call us today: (336) 306-9030

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